Vita Mundi is declared as an organization of PUBLIC INTEREST, which able all collaborators, donors and friends who support us with their contributions or donations, to have the appropriate fiscal benefits according to our current legal regulations.
Fiscal benefits:
Donations to NGOs are not a deductible expense in Corporate Tax. However, they may give rise to tax deductions in quota, insofar as the entity that receives the donation can and has opted for the special fiscal regime of the Law 49/2002 on the tax regime of non-profit entities and of fiscal incentives for patronage.
The percentage of deduction in quota in the Corporate Tax is 35% (with the limit of 10% in the taxable base). Amounts that cannot be deducted can be applied in the tax periods that end in the immediate and successive 10 years.
For having the deduction, the company requires a donation certificate issued by the beneficiary NGO.